Catching up on news!

It has been a very busy 6 months at Norwich City Target Club. We are pleased to catch up in the next few posts on news over this time period.

We are delighted to confirm that our crowdfunding project which ran between may and June 2024 was a success and we managed to raise £7330.27. This included a £1950 donation from Sport England. Thank you to everyone who contributed to this project. We are able to purchase an additional 3 Sport Quantum targets to help us expand our capacity, a defibrillator for use by all in our community building and a new club rifle. We were also able to increase our junior club kit supply.

We thank Sport England for choosing to support our project and are extremely grateful for the opportunity to have taken part in the project.

Crowdfunder is live!

We are excited that our crowdfunding scheme in collaboration with the Sport England Active Together fund is now live! It runs only until 29th May. The crowdfunding is rewards based, so you are able to choose from many rewards in exchange for your donation.

The link is below:

All rewards will be available to view at the club and more detail and pictures can be sent to any non local supporters.

We include below a gallery of some of the rewards available so you can see the sort of items on offer. Plenty more to see on the crowdfunder site including vouchers for Amazon, John Lewis, M and S and One for All.

Thank you so much for your support.

Exciting News- Club Crowdfunder set to launch 1st May!

We are delighted to announce that we have been successful in our application to Sport England’s Active Together Project. The project, if successful will allow the club to purchase further Sport Quantum targets, more junior equipment, fund several coaching courses and purchase a defibrillator for the club.

The project is a crowdfunding campaign where members, friends and family are asked to make donations in exchange for rewards. The targets and additional items will be of great use to us in expanding and growing the club.

If the project hits its target (£6500) , Sport England will contribute £1950 of this total- so the club needs to raise £4550 in donations from at least 50 different individuals. The campaign will launch on 1st May and run for just 4 weeks. We hope you will all get behind us. Look out for an email in the next couple of days containing all the details and explaining how you can help.

Thank you to everyone who helped out with the video which will support the campaign- you were all brilliant.

Norfolk Winter League Results

Congratulations all all our members taking part in the Norfolk Winter League. Winner of each league were- Air Pistol: Josh Wegg, Air Rifle: Emily Flowerdew, Supported Rest Rifle: David Ford and Supported Rest Pistol: Steve Jones. Well done everyone – another really fantastic season of shooting.

Cumbria Winter League Results

Congratulations to our Cumbria Winter League medal winners: Josh Wegg, George Mees, Mark Johnson, Mick Bowen, Thomas Aldous and Emily Flowerdew

Eastern Region Winter League Results- Air Pistol

Congratulations to members taking part in the Eastern Region winter Air Pistol League. Josh Wegg was 2nd in Division 1, George Mees 4th in Division 1 and Chris Wegg 5th in Division 1. Mark Johnson was 3rd in Division 2 and Tammy Oakley 6th. Mark Williams was 1st in Division 3 and Kathy Johnson 2nd.

Brilliant shooting by Mark Williams to take the win in his Division.

Great shooting at BOAG from NCTC shooters

Congratulations to Tammy, Josh and Chris who represented the club at the British Open Airgun Championships on the 24th and 25th of February. They all shot brilliantly, with Josh finishing 6th in the junior boys final.

National School Rifle Finals

Congratulations to Thomas and Emily for their excellent shooting at the British Shooting National schools Rifle Finals in Cannock. They both shot brilliantly and we will look forward to the Schools event coming round again the next year. Thank you to British Shooting for putting on such a fantastic event.

Big PB for Thomas at the Air Series

Congratulations to Thomas on shooting a fantastic personal best score at the Air Series in February. Thomas attended the event as an opportunity for National Schools shooting finalists to shoot ahead of the schools finals. We wish Thomas and Emily the best of luck going into the schools finals this week

Success at Bedford Open and British Pistol Club Open for Norwich City Target Club shooters

The 13 &14th January 2024 was a busy weekend for Norwich City Target Club shooters with members competing at the British Pistol Club Open Meeting at Bisley and the Bedford Open meeting.

Josh and Chris Wegg represented the club at the British Pistol Club Open meeting. Josh shot well over two matches with a 555 on day one. On day two Josh finished 5th in the Junior Mens final. Chris Wegg shot very consistently well over two days, just several points off of his personal best score.

At the Bedford Open the club had members competing in the rifle and pistol events. In the Rifle, Emily Flowerdew was second in Class B and Thomas Aldous 4th. In the Pistol George Mees was 5th in Class A, David Sweeting was 2nd in Class B and Tammy Oakley 4th in Class B. In the Pistol Aggregate, George Mees was 3rd in Class A.

Congratulations to all shooters.