Norfolk League Summer 2022 Results

Great results for the club across the pistol and rifle Norfolk summer leagues.

Pistol League-

There was a very close battle in Division 1 between George and Josh with George taking the win with Josh in a very close second. There was also excellent shooting from Geoff and Julian. 

There was a superb win for Mark in Division 2 in his debut season, with Kathy also in her first season finishing a brilliant Third. 

Supported Pistol League-

Ray remains undefeated in supported pistol, taking the win in the supported pistol league with brilliant shooting also from Steve, Mick and Nigel. 

Supported Rifle League-

Brilliant shooting from John to take second place in the supported rifle league, followed by Nigel in third. Mick and Vernon also shot well for 4th and 5th positions.