2022 Membership now due

Membership for 2022 is now due. The membership subscription for 2022 is £60, or £30 for juniors or full time students. If you have not done so already, please make sure you have completed a new application for membership form. 

Range fees will remain at £5 per session. We are looking to be ‘cashless’, so both membership and range fees will need to be paid by bank transfer or cheque.  

There are 3 options for range fee payment. 

1. If you wish to pay as you go, the amount should be recorded in the register and paid monthly in arrears. 

2. You can set up a standing order to pay £15 per month over the whole year. 

3. You can make a reduced one-off total annual range fee payment of £160.

Membership Form

Please could all members ensure they have completed a membership form for the remainder of 2021. You can download and print a copy by clicking on this text, or copies will be available at the club. Thank you.

New Venue

We are delighted to welcome members to our new venue at the Scouts Hall, Tusting Close, Catton. It was fantastic to see so many of you on our opening night at the new range on the 16th November. We are sure you will agree it is an excellent facility and we are delighted to have found it.

Congratulations to Olivia Hill

Huge congratulations to Olivia Hill for her selection on to the British Shooting Rifle Talent Academy. We are all very proud! The talent academies serve to support athletes progressing onto the National Academy and World Class Programmes.